Thursday, July 2, 2009


Do we really ever forget? No. Truthfully forgetting is impossible. All of our experiences and experiences of those alive before us are hardwired in our minds. The mind takes over our entire being, and causes us to constantly remind ourselves of things we think we may forget.

Truly experiencing, witnessing, and being alive gives us the only tool that we really need. Using the memory to avoid past "mistakes" never truly works. By consciously accessing a past situation, you are only generically recreating the event in your mind. Thus, any decision you make will be biased, depending on the mood you are in or what you have heard others say is the "right" thing to do.

The mind tricks us into using our "decision making abilities" to consciously compare one route to another, selecting the best way to go. However, the true you, hidden at the center of your being, somewhere unseen and mostly unexplored, knows all the answers without having to weigh the outcomes of different paths.

Being alive is being dynamic. Every moment is in motion. In fact, you cannot define a moment. You cannot take a snapshot of a moment. Moments are momentum and cannot be captured. When you try to capture life, you do so only in the mind. The mind becomes a mechanism that attempts to define life, cage it, label it, and study it. You cannot capture nor define life.

Whilst the mind attempts to cage and imprison life, life will not be caged. Life will escape from the mind and sometimes, never come back. When life has escaped, your essence or life force-- however the newest of the new age minds define it (it is just it, there is no way to pin down what existence is)--may never be experienced or glimpsed again, until moments before death of the body. People become obsessed with earthly things, because they become the mind.

The richest of the rich, and more and more the common man, become obsessed with wealth and accumulation of external things. The mind completely takes over the individual, by attempting to define life and existence by the things that can be bought and accumulated. The mind becomes a mechanism. A very powerful mechanism that thinks it "gets" life; it has captured and can now study and define the mystery. However, life will escape that individual's mind. Life is pure and cannot be shackled. Once the mind controls someone, he may be considered lost. He has become the mind.

However, it is impossible to really lose your true self, because that's the only thing there really ever was. The mind separates everything into a background and a foreground. A foreground is nothing, undefinable, unmeasurable, unless put against a background. Existence is one giant foreground. Earthly life is a game in which the mind sees existence against a background. Ultimately it is our mind that separates us from seeing the truth.

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