Friday, July 3, 2009


Collapse. Fold into yourself. Become less and less. Erase your interests, your personality. A beautiful process of deletion, you become narrower. Your beautiful shapes become small, but precise. You are origami.

Keep shrinking until you think there is nothing left. Shed your past. Shed your ambitions. Shed your favorite books, movies, and music. Shed your creativity. Shed your family and your lineage.

Individuality and separateness are creations of the mechanical mind. It is a computer that gives output when fed input. Please know, that this mechanism is just that--a tool to be used when needed. Shed the mechanism. Become whole.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

To be Unnamed

A yearning burns within to be unnamed. A name comes with a history, a repertoire, a predisposition. There are heights undefined. These unmeasurable heights become the deepest valleys. The journey within is not contained by directions or orientations.

To be unnamed is to sacrifice. A real sacrifice; not one made to gain approval, admiration, or honor. A real sacrifice is to molt. Shed the skin that binds and transform. Breathe in the eternal change and become momentum itself. Never become static. A name freezes and simplifies. A name kills momentum.


To be alone is scary at first. You dive down deeply, with an unlimited supply of oxygen, but discover that a vast nothingness prevails. Before, you felt simply lonely at times. But, you've never truly felt so utterly alone.

It's scary to believe that we live and die alone. Before, you felt as if other people could "complete" you. Your funny friend could bring you up when you were down. Your party-loving socialite friend could show you a great time, and make you forget about the pressures of life. But, now you discover that you are alone.

You are not lonely anymore. Nothing can steer you away from yourself, because you are not influenced anymore by outside experiences. What is this feeling? Is it depression? No, before you would get depressed because you felt lonely. But, this feeling of being alone is more of a realization of a greater truth.

You are not merely part of the bigger picture. You control your life. This is because life is you. You are life. It is hard for you to put into words, but you know that this mind of yours is only recycled thoughts and ideas from the world. Nothing is original. Your body and mind are a machine, but there is something else. There is a larger truth.

The real you is that larger truth. You are the truth. You are the world. The world lives within you. You do not merely exist in this world. You are pure potential. A pure momentum that cannot be guided or swayed by force or mind. You are eternal.


Do we really ever forget? No. Truthfully forgetting is impossible. All of our experiences and experiences of those alive before us are hardwired in our minds. The mind takes over our entire being, and causes us to constantly remind ourselves of things we think we may forget.

Truly experiencing, witnessing, and being alive gives us the only tool that we really need. Using the memory to avoid past "mistakes" never truly works. By consciously accessing a past situation, you are only generically recreating the event in your mind. Thus, any decision you make will be biased, depending on the mood you are in or what you have heard others say is the "right" thing to do.

The mind tricks us into using our "decision making abilities" to consciously compare one route to another, selecting the best way to go. However, the true you, hidden at the center of your being, somewhere unseen and mostly unexplored, knows all the answers without having to weigh the outcomes of different paths.

Being alive is being dynamic. Every moment is in motion. In fact, you cannot define a moment. You cannot take a snapshot of a moment. Moments are momentum and cannot be captured. When you try to capture life, you do so only in the mind. The mind becomes a mechanism that attempts to define life, cage it, label it, and study it. You cannot capture nor define life.

Whilst the mind attempts to cage and imprison life, life will not be caged. Life will escape from the mind and sometimes, never come back. When life has escaped, your essence or life force-- however the newest of the new age minds define it (it is just it, there is no way to pin down what existence is)--may never be experienced or glimpsed again, until moments before death of the body. People become obsessed with earthly things, because they become the mind.

The richest of the rich, and more and more the common man, become obsessed with wealth and accumulation of external things. The mind completely takes over the individual, by attempting to define life and existence by the things that can be bought and accumulated. The mind becomes a mechanism. A very powerful mechanism that thinks it "gets" life; it has captured and can now study and define the mystery. However, life will escape that individual's mind. Life is pure and cannot be shackled. Once the mind controls someone, he may be considered lost. He has become the mind.

However, it is impossible to really lose your true self, because that's the only thing there really ever was. The mind separates everything into a background and a foreground. A foreground is nothing, undefinable, unmeasurable, unless put against a background. Existence is one giant foreground. Earthly life is a game in which the mind sees existence against a background. Ultimately it is our mind that separates us from seeing the truth.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You are not You, You are the Center

You are not who you think you are. Your body, mind, memories, mistakes and accomplishments are not you. You are the center. You are the watcher and the observer. You are eternal.

The real you is within. Everything that surrounds you is also you, but you need not reach out to grab it. Everything is part of you. To say "a part" would suggest that things exist separately. Things as separate is not a rational judgment, nor is it fact. The whole is really all there is. You are at the center, watching it all occur in spontaneity.

The mind is a wonderful thing. We can do wondrous things and accomplish feats that seem extraordinary, using our power of intuition and deductive reasoning. The knowledge that we gain appears to make life "better" and somehow advance mankind toward some unstated goal in the distant future. What are we trying to accomplish with our knowledge? What are we trying to prove?

Advances in medicine and pathology help to drastically increase the lifespan of the average person. By studying how living organisms "work" we are attempting to conquer and challenge existence's plan. Existence, by my own definition, is merely everything pertaining to life--life as a whole, and nothing separated from anything else. Existence is the only true fact. Existence is the only thing really happening. Existence is truth.

In attempting to use reason to explain existence, we simplify things. We can, in laboratories, perform experiments that lead to hypotheses that predict things. We hypothesize and predict very well. But, what is a cell really? Why does a cell do what it does? How does a cell know what it is to do.

Science does not explain why everything works. Sciences do a great job putting together well-written research papers that very logically tell us what a cell does and what an atom does at the subatomic level. Even if all the knowledge currently available were coded and put into a microchip, and that microchip put into a subject's brain, we would still have a voice inside that questions, from the center, WHY?

(to be continued)

To Live is to Die Everyday (unedited, continuing)

I don't accumulate wealth, possessions, generic experiences, sex partners, or stocks.
I Say "Die Everyday."

The only true way to live is to die, everyday. When living through the past, we are merely machines, functioning on a stimulus-response level. Cut yourself away from this machine and live like you are truly alive.

This blog is a background. A rambling of sorts. It is an unorganized, messy introduction to my blogs to follow. I like to look at life from a different viewpoint. From a fresh viewpoint, not distorted by my past conditioning. Although language is learned from past conditioning, it is necessary to explain and convey to you my thoughts. Here we go...

Everyday, most of us live on a superficial level. We are a slave to a machine that we call "life." We say, "My life sucks right now, but it will get better." This thought process is utter bullshit. I'm sorry to say to all of you. I'm sorry to admit to myself. We believe that "life" is something that happens to us.

To become aware of what life really is, drop all notions of what you believe to be life. Question all the so-called fundamentals that have been ingrained in you since childhood. Question the way that you think life works.

For example, in America, the average person believes the following, generically stated of course:
To make it in the World, you have to be educated. You go to high school. You get good grades. You stay out of trouble. You get a scholarship, and go to college. From this point, you can continue in your education and become further educated or you can start your career. Once you begin your career you can begin setting the stage for future comfort. You work hard now, so you can have a better future. Everyday you work at a job, working hard and kissing ass to get promoted, hopefully. You meet a special woman or man. You two "hit it off" and have the same goals. You can "grow together," because you have similar values and views. You decide to get married. After a couple years of the newlywed life, you decide to have that first child. The wife goes on maternity leave and the husband continues supporting the family. The wife has the child, but decides not to return back to work. The husband gets that promotion, and you buy a new car, but you also have that mortgage to pay for. At this point you are living paycheck to paycheck. You invest in IRAs or Mutual Funds. You leave the money in there, knowing that it will "mature" someday and will be there for your retirement... Fast forward 45-50, years. You are now 70 something. You are retiring. Your only memories are of working day in and day out to struggle to make your bills. Your relationship with yourself has dwindled. You have no self-confidence or sense of self-worth. You have stayed with your spouse, but have never truly been happy. You have not lived. You have not challenged yourself. You are a spoke in a fucking wheel. WHAT THE FUCK WAS IT ALL FOR?

I like to use that phrase, "spoke in a wheel." Without listening to life--I mean truly listening and becoming present--we are only reacting to what we think is life. Reacting is what machines do. Machines are given an input and they react by producing output. SIMPLE. Life is not about a cause-effect relationship. Life is spontaneous. Living by reacting is NOT living.

My blogs to follow are mostly about forgetting your past and living for the now, which is the only real thing there is. The past and future are not real. They only exist in your mind. Please stay tuned.